Thursday, February 16, 2017

He Will Lift Your Weary Head

Have you ever noticed that when someone is going through trouble that their head is often bowed down? Their whole countenance just looks weary or weighed down from whatever they are currently walking through.

All of us grows weary at various times in our lives. Some seasons of life causes more times of weariness than others. We grow weary of sleepless nights, chronic pain, loneliness, goodbyes, lost relationships, battles that are constantly fought, parenting, and illnesses that threaten to take our loved ones. We grow weary of this earthly life. Unfortunately many face more than one area of suffering at a time and in the midst of it all we become discouraged, overwhelmed and even depressed.

I want to remind you today that there is a hope that lives within us. As followers of Jesus, we have a source of strength that will see us through to the next season. We have the truth of Psalm 3:35 to remind us that God will lift us up.

But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head.
I was crying to the LORD with my voice, And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah. I lay down and slept ; I awoke, for the LORD sustains me.

Psalm 3 reminds us that He is our shield. His protection is all around us. He is our glory, our abundance and the One who lifts us up. He alone sustain us and our salvation belongs to Him.

The Greek word for lifts here means to be exalted, to be uplifted and cause to grow up. He is the One who lifts our head. Head in the Greek means (top, total, sum).

So God is the One who causes our total being to be uplifted! That is something that is praiseworthy!! So often we look to other things or other people to encourage us during hard times and we forget that God is the one who will lift our heads. Through and in His glorious power we are lifted up.

God sustains us when we are weary, which means He will hold us up. We can lean on Him, and rest upon Him. Sustain in this verse can also mean refresh, revive. What better way to be refreshed than to let the Lord your God revive you.

My prayer for each of you is that our Father will refresh-revive our soul today no matter what we may be facing. I pray that He might speak to you this day and let you know He alone will sustain you when you are weary of the battles that you face today or may face tomorrow. Remember to lean on Him and allow Him to lift your weary head.

My challenge to you is that God often sends His children to those who are weary to encourage them, help them, or pray with them. Who do you know that might need a bit of lifting up today? Why not write them a note, call them, stop by for a visit and pray with them?

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for His Word and Spirit, and for the many who are the hands and feet of Jesus to me!
