Sunday, February 2, 2020

Desperation and Hope In Times of Severe Famine

Have you ever experienced severe famine … or even famine of any degree?

 I know I haven’t. We read in the Old Testament that the Egyptians, in the time of Joseph, were well acquainted with this terrible plight. They experienced such tremendous famine for seven whole years that even the neighboring nations were affected by this serious shortage of food. In fact, the Bible reports, “the famine was severe in all the earth” (Gn. 41:57). People far and near were desperate for life-giving grain in order to survive. All their personal resources were exhausted and there was nowhere to turn. They were desperate!

 But…they heard there was grain in Egypt. Because Joseph had stored grain throughout the land during the seven years of abundance, there was plenty of grain during the years of desperate need. There was hope!

 As I read through this account of how Joseph, through God’s providential hand, had been elevated by Pharaoh to distribute life-giving grain, I was struck by the desperation that existed among the people. If it weren’t for this “severe famine” that reached to “all the earth”, people would not have made the arduous trek to Egypt. If they had not heard the good news of grain in Egypt they would not have come to Joseph. It was the extreme desperation of their situation and the hope that lay ahead that finally drove them to the only One who could supply what was necessary for life.

 What a beautiful picture of the Gospel! Life-giving food was desperately needed and there was no way for people to come up with it on their own. This was bad news! They were incapable, during this time of severe famine, to produce what was necessary themselves. They had no control over the weather conditions and were completely unable to provide what was required for survival. Without the grain from Egypt, people would starve to death. Their physical condition parallels the spiritual condition of all who are without Christ.

 But good news spread throughout the land … there was food in Egypt! There was hope! They must go to Egypt to get grain from Joseph! When the people cried out to Pharaoh, he pointed them to Joseph, a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ, the bread of life. Only Christ can supply what we need for spiritual life and we must come to Him.

 I have several loved ones who don’t yet know the Lord and I’m sure you do too… unsaved friends and family who are in severe spiritual famine but they may not even realize it. They likely are still looking to what the world can offer or are deceived into thinking they can somehow meet that deep internal need themselves. So many are without hope. As I meditated on this passage, I was prompted to start praying more intentionally along these same lines…that my loved ones would come to a place of desperate need and come to realize there was hope. Hope in the only One who can supply what is necessary for spiritual life. In their desperation, I want hope to drive them to Jesus, to know Him and to love Him. I want them to realize what Christ suffered on their behalf to make a way for true abundant, everlasting life and to place their hope in Him.

 “Lord, create a “severe famine” in the life of _______ to draw them to Yourself. Help _____ see the emptiness of what the world offers and the futility of their own efforts. May _____ see You as their hope...that You are loving and kind and waiting to give what they desperately need for life, not just here and now, but for all eternity.”

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