Thursday, April 27, 2017

Where Do You See Yourself?

Luke 10:38-42

The account of Christ’s visit to the home of Mary and Martha with his disciples has both encouraged and rebuked me at the same time. The scenario is so down-to-earth and yet so profound. In only 5 short verses we are given an incredible glimpse into the lives of these two women on a simple day regarding an ordinary visit from Jesus. How they responded to His presence in their home quickly revealed what mattered most to each one. Their hearts were exposed in this simple encounter with the Lord. Let’s make several observations related to both Mary and Martha. See if you can relate with any of these: 
  • Sitting at the Lord’s feet was a deliberate choice Mary made.
  • Our choices to make Christ a priority will not always sit well with others. Some may even get quite upset with us and complain to others behind our back!
  • Bringing our frustrations to the Lord is the right place to take them.
  • Who we choose to listen to most WILL make a difference in our lives.
  • When things don’t go the way we think they should, we mistakenly conclude or feel that Jesus doesn’t care.
  • We like to tell Jesus how He should answer our prayers (“Tell her to help me!”) because we think we know best.
  • The answers we’d like from Jesus sometimes have more to do with our own desires for comfort and convenience than they do with what is God’s best for us and what will bring Him greater glory.
  • Sitting at Jesus’ feet to listen to Him and enjoy His presence has to be intentional.
  • An over-emphasis on “good things” will often rob us from what’s “best”.
  • There are many distractions that will keep us from the Lord. 
Can you identify with any of these statements? Like Mary, there have certainly been countless times where I’ve chosen what was best and spent precious time sitting at the Lord’s feet, drinking in His words and enjoying His presence. But too many times I’ve also acted like Martha and allowed distractions to rob me of what was needed most, to my own detriment.   When I stop to consider, “Who enjoyed the Lord most that day?” it’s a no-brainer! Martha definitely missed out.

This guest appearance by Christ not only gives us a window into the lives of these two sisters but we also see some important ways in which the Lord responded to them in these circumstances: 
  • We can always count on Jesus to speak truth to us, even in the midst of our frustrations.
  • Jesus is not in the business of accommodating our flesh.
  • We can always count on Jesus to tell us what He knows we need to hear!
  • Our Lord is far more delighted in time spent with Him than our doing for Him. He knows that’s what we need more than anything else.
  • Jesus defended Mary’s choice and did not allow Martha’s frustration to sway Him.
When you stop to think about it, are we any different than the Lord in what He knows matters most? Don’t we as parents delight when our kids, whether young or grown, want to spend time with us, want to hang out with us? Don’t we enjoy when our spouses or close friends want to be with us and take time to listen and really get to know us? How many of us have aspired to raise children who would come to us when they needed something but demonstrated little interest in forming a close and intimate relationship with us? How many of us have set out to build mediocre, distant relationships with those we dearly love? When it comes to those who matter most, none of us are satisfied with these kinds of shallow exchanges.

I remember years ago there was a song by Larnelle Harris that my husband used to sing called, “I Miss My Time With You”. The lyrics were so moving to me and as I think about it now, they seem to capture the struggle of a modern day Martha:

There He was just waiting
In our old familiar place
An empty spot beside Him
Where once I used to wait
To be filled with strength and wisdom
For the battles of the day
I would have passed Him by again
If I didn't hear Him say

I miss my time with you
Those moments together
I need to be with you each day
And it hurts Me when you say
You're too busy
Busy trying to serve Me
But how can you serve Me
When your spirits empty
There's a longing in My heart
Wanting more than just a part of you
It's true, I miss My time with you

What will I have to offer
How can I truly care
My efforts have no meaning
When Your presence isn't there
But You'll provide the power
If I take time to pray
I'll stay right here beside You
And You'll never have to say

So, where do you see yourself? Are you a Mary, intentional about making time with her Lord a priority? Or are you a Martha, concerned and involved with so many other “good things” but missing what is “most needful”?

Does something need to change? If so, what specific steps can you take, by God’s grace and enlisting His help, in order to “sit at His feet” regularly, listening to Him, taking in His words, enjoying His presence?  Let a trusted friend or spouse know of your plan so they can hold you accountable and help to encourage you. Don’t miss that time with Jesus and pass him by another day!

Lord, forgive me for the times I’ve forfeited the “best” and allowed distractions to occupy precious time that would have been better spent in your presence. Help me to be aware of when competing interests and even “good things” are luring my heart away from what I need most …time with you. Help me, like Mary, choose what is “better” and “more needful” rather than what my flesh is drawn to and enticed by. Lord, thank you that I am your dearly loved, adopted child and that your love continually draws me to you. Remind me of how you long for me to know you deeply, to experience every dimension of your unfathomable love and how you desire for me to keep growing in that knowledge day by day. 

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