Thursday, June 29, 2017

How To Have A "Calm and Quieted" Soul

Have you ever been struck by a passage of Scripture you read and then that same verse or theme pops up over and over in the days or weeks ahead? You hear it through a song on the radio, a friend posted the same passage on FB, someone mentions it in a casual conversation, or you come across it in another book you’re reading? You feel like you’re being spiritually stalked! I’m sure you’ve all had this experience, probably several times over. It makes me stop and reflect, “Wow, Lord! You really want me to get this!”

Well, that’s exactly what’s been happening to me in the last few weeks with a passage we’ve covered in our One Year Bible Study reading. It’s a passage I’ve read often that has given me tremendous comfort while at the same time challenged my own heart.  It’s a section of Scripture I’ve used many times in counseling when I’ve felt it was appropriate. For some reason, the Lord has really wanted this ingrained on my soul these past weeks. He’s also brought this passage immediately to mind to share with others when they’ve needed encouragement in the midst of some difficulty. It’s Psalm 131:2.

“But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (ESV)

As I thought about this passage, there are several questions one can ask for greater insight and clarity. Who, does the psalmist say, is “calming and quieting” their own soul?  What is a weaned child like, particularly with its mother, if this is the image given to illustrate a “calmed and quieted” soul? What does a “calmed and quieted soul” look like?

This is where the beauty of the body of Christ comes in.  As we discussed this passage, the ladies in our study, as well as various commentators, contributed to some helpful observations:
  •            It is OUR responsibility to take the initiative to quiet our own souls. The writer here says, “I have calmed and quieted my soul.” This reminds me of King David when he “strengthened himself in the Lord his God” in the midst of a very desperate situation (1 Sam. 30:6).
  •            We know that those in the process of being weaned are definitely not calm and quiet! On the contrary, a child being weaned is fussy, often agitated, demanding and desperately wanting something from mom.
  •            On the other hand, a child already weaned is calm and quiet in its mother’s arms. It can be at rest, content and peaceful, enjoying the security and safety that mom’s presence provides.

Isn’t this what the Lord desires from us as His children? He wants us to trust in Him, to be at rest in His presence, not for what we can get from Him but for the safety and delight that just being with Him provides. He wants to be our refuge where we can experience contentment and the calm assurance that comes from knowing we are safe in His presence and sovereign care, no matter what is going on around us.  Are you like that weaned child resting in His arms? Are you finding Him to be your refuge and place of peace in your present circumstances?

Perhaps the most important question concerning this passage is, “How do you calm and quiet your own soul”? That’s really where the rubber meets the road. We know many ways in which to calm our bodies (deep breathing/relaxation techniques) but how does one calm their soul and become like a weaned child, peaceful and content, in the midst of daily challenges, disappointments, fears, and difficulties?

As the saying goes, “Two are better than one.” I posed this question to the ladies in our group and here are several biblical ways in which we can “calm and quiet” our own souls:
·       Prayer: pouring your heart out to God, bringing your complaint to Him, making your requests known to Him, coming into His throne room to ask for grace and mercy in time of need, casting all your cares on Him (Ps. 62:8, 142:1-2, Phil.4:6-8, Heb. 4:16, 1 Pt. 5:7).
·       Be still before Him: take a mental step back to intentionally still your thoughts and recalibrate your heart (Ps. 46:10).
·       Fix your focus on Christ: replace your focus on your problems with thoughts of Christ…who He is, what He’s done and what He continues to do in and through your life (2 Chron. 20:12, Heb. 12:2).
·       Take your thoughts captive: Be intentional about replacing your fears, complaints, and disappointments with God’s truth, your identity and His promises (Lam. 3:19-26, 2 Cor. 10:4-5, 2 Pt. 1:3-4)
·       Rehearse and meditate on God’s past faithfulness, goodness, steadfast love, patience, sovereign control, etc.
·       Creation: some find that being out in God’s creation has a profound calming effect on their souls (Ps. 19:1).
·       Inspirational life stories of those who have followed Christ faithfully amidst challenging circumstances, persecution, suffering and tremendous trials.
·       Praise/Worship music: Music with good, worshipful lyrics and truth pointing to God and His character really ministers to a lot of people.
·       Praising Him in your heart or out loud can lift your spirits (Heb.13:15).

What is your “go to” when your soul needs quieting? How do you calm your inner being when needed? This list is by no means exhaustive but we all realized that we have no excuse for allowing our souls to remain in a state of turmoil. God has provided us with a variety of ways in which we need to be intentional about quieting and calming our souls.

So, the next time anxiety, fear or any kind of distress seeks to agitate and rob you of inner peace, run to Him, lay hold of His vast provisions, and rest content in His sovereign control, like a weaned child with its mother, quieted in your soul.  

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