It’s amazing to see the fruit of Paul’s time as a prisoner during the writing of his letter to the Colossians. While most would have considered this incarceration a huge setback for God’s messenger, the apostle’s jail time did not silence the reach of the gospel. How tempting it would have been for him to think, “Why me? Why now?” After all, wasn’t Paul greatly gifted, well educated, extremely persuasive and articulate? Wasn’t he specifically commissioned to reach the Gentiles and do great things for God? Wasn’t Paul the church planter par excellence? This was no time for limitations. There were places to go, people to see and things to do for the Kingdom!
Though prison and confinement were undoubtedly not what Paul would have chosen, we see no “poor me” attitude displayed by this saint. Rather than focusing on the limitations of his situation the apostle took advantage of the possibilities open to him. He bore “much fruit” right where he was, not where he wished he could be. Because of this perspective, the imprisoned apostle was mightily used of God and experienced joy even in the midst of a very difficult situation. He turned his obstacles into opportunities to pen words of encouragement and warning to the saints and to share the good news even while in chains.
Limitations! How they cramp our style. They seem to crop up at the most inopportune times in life. Right when we thought we’d be doing great things for God, some unforeseen crisis raises its ugly head and we feel like, “Why me? Why now, Lord?” It may be a negative physical diagnosis, job loss, or failed marriage that suddenly invades our once predictable world. Maybe a son or daughter’s addiction has spiraled out of control or a spouse has stepped into the dark abyss of despair and depression. From fading finances to fickle friendships, aging parents who need care to unexpected vehicle repairs, we have little control over our world.
What About You?
What current life situation causes you to feel “imprisoned” or “stuck” at times?
Make a list of what you are no longer able to do because of the “limitations” your situation brings?
Take a moment to offer your “list of limitations” to the Lord. Pour out your heart to Him and bring your complaint to Him (Ps. 62:8, 142:2). Be honest about any disappointments and leave your frustrations at the cross. Come to Him in repentance if you’ve been hanging on to any anger or resentment that has caused you to turn away from the Lord in this difficult time. He longs to free you from the bondage of bitterness and discontent.
Can you look back at another time when you faced some limitations yet clearly saw God’s faithfulness in enabling you to still bring Him glory in the midst of it? Explain.
Paul could have wasted his time complaining and pining about all he was no longer able to do for God. He could have chosen to sulk over his lack of control over his imprisonment and become ineffective for the Kingdom. He could have wallowed in disappointment and resentment. But we see none of that. Instead, he joyfully did what he could and because of it, thousands of believers throughout the centuries have been blessed and strengthened in their faith due to the writing of this prison epistle. No doubt, God had him right where He wanted him and Paul chose to fully cooperate with and embrace His divine plan.
What might the Lord be trying to teach you about Himself, yourself and your relationship to others in your current situation?
How can you look beyond your obstacles and still be fruitful for the Lord right where you are, trusting Him and cooperating with His plan for you?
Our God never wastes an opportunity. It’s time to turn your “whine” into fruit God can use!
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